


My first week.

Its already been a week, and I must say that it was not that hard.. hehe okay, there were moments when I was bored and just wanted to play videogames or watch a single movie.. But then you realize why you are doing this again, and the reason is for Him.
This week was very special to me, never ever as a Christian person have I felt His Spirit 24/7! It was Grace.. I tell you.

I've been praying and studying His Word a lot these days, and thinking.. I did.
As a Christian dude for more than 2 years, I thought that this was my life and how I saw my life in the future.. I eat, I sleep, I study, go to church.. and in the future, more eating, sleeping, working, own family and go to church. And become successful in life with Christ in my heart.. but will I become truly successful?

Being successful in life doesn't mean having a great career, a big house, loads of money.. because a lot people think that when you have all these things you gain respect.. and then you feel accepted in this world.
But what does God want from us? What does He want us to do? He just want us to love.. very simple. God loves us.. everyone in this world. GUYSS!! God loves us! And he want us to spread the word throughout this world! Everyone deserves to hear about Jesus..!

ray, trust and believe.. that God will act.

I believe that if people live with God's love as a foundation in their life.. this world will change in an instant. More people will rise up, and 'GO' to all places in this world just to spread the love of God, tell about God.. that He loves you. And I Believe that people will change and concentrate on today's problems in this world.
We are not created to die, we are created to stretch his world, His Kingdom.

I'm not saying that we don't have to study anymore or quit our job and get the first airplane to tell everyone about God. Start with yourself.. and believe that God loves you.. you will automatically change and you will know what you want in your life, that is Grace. We can all make a difference in this world, let it be a small or a big one.. better than nothing. Believe in yourself and believe in God that His eyes are set upon you.

Being successful in life, is being faithful to God. And nothing.. can take that away from you.. NOTHING! And more than happy you will be in life.

"We do the ridiculous, and He will do the miraculous"

We need to wake up! And realize there's more..! And guys really, we can truly make a difference:)
I've so much more to tell you guys about myself, and other stuff..! But I ran out of time so next time!:)

Bless you guys,



Reposting my stuff

I'll be reposting my 40 days of fasting posts at;

If that makes life easier for you hehe.

40 days of media fasting.

I'll be going through this 40 days of fasting.. on media! So no games, fun surfing, social media or any tv! But then of course serious stuff like school, news, e-mails or other important stuff are allowed though.. phew..

The reason? Just so I can become closer with God.. very simple :)
Less unimportant stuff and more important stuff.

I'll be blogging about this media fasting, sharing my experience with you guys.. and I can tell yous that it wont be easycake.

And oh yeah, a happy new year! Wish you guys the best in 2011!

God Bless you,



My thanks

Dear God,

Thank You, for my friends.
Thank You, for my brothers and sisters.
Thank You, for my family.
Thank You, for my loved ones.

Will You bless and guide them for me?
You gave them to me and it is them who made me the person I am today.

Thank You,
God bless.

ps: i wanna tell you something.. what I should have done ages ago. It's hard:)


seen it so many times and still, u amaze me every single time.smile